Wednesday, January 28, 2009

'I got two white girls'

That's what the charming third grader that I tutor said today.  One of the other kids was talking about this girl he used to like and he said he doesn't like her anymore and that was his reason.  Well, that's what this blog has too.   

Now, obviously I am biased, but I think everyone should be a teacher at some point in their life.  If nothing else, it will provide you with endless stories with which to entertain your friends at parties.  No matter what kind of shitty day you might have at the office, its no where near  as bad as having a student smear shit (yes, real, human feces) on a classroom floor.  

Oh, the joys of teaching.  I'm not entirely certain what to write about in a blog, so things may be a bit random at times.  I have lots of things to comment on, I've thought about writing a book.  The thing is, I don't think I know anyone that wants to read a fifty word blog that's free, let alone anyone that will want to read hundreds of pages that they have to pay for.  Hmm...

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